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Can You Be Arrested If You Fail To Register As A Sex Offender In Florida?


The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) maintains a comprehensive, publicly available database of sex offenders and sexual predators in the state. A person convicted of a serious sex crime may be required to register as a sex offender and provide ongoing information about their whereabouts. This raises an important question: What happens if a person fails to comply with sex offender registration requirements in Florida? The short answer is that they can be arrested and charged with an additional criminal offense. Here, our Orlando sex crimes defense attorney discusses the state’s registration requirements and the penalties for failure to register.

Know the Law: An Overview of Florida Statute § 943.0435 

Our state’s sex offender registration requirements are largely regulated by Florida Statute § 943.0435. The law is very clear: All sex offenders and sexual predators have a legal responsibility to comply with Florida’s sex offender registration requirements. The unjustified failure to do so could lead to a felony criminal charge. In other words, if you fail to abide by sex offender registration requirements in Florida, you can be immediately arrested. Among other things, a sex offender or sex predator in Florida may be required to:

  • Register with the state in a timely manner;
  • Report any relocation to a new residence within 48 hours;
  • Report to the sheriff’s office multiple times per year (depending on classification); and
  • Report any other material updates, such as change of address or contact information.

Failure to register as a sex offender in Florida can be charged as a third degree felony offense. A conviction for this type of crime can carry a $5,000 penalty and up to five years in state prison. 

Failure to Abide By Sex Offender Registration Requirements is a Serious Offense 

A person who fails to keep up with sex offender registration requirements in Florida can be arrested and sentenced to prison for a significant period of time. If they are on probation, that probation can—and likely will—be subject to an immediate revocation. Professional legal representation is a must for any person who finds themself in this position. If you or your loved one has been arrested for failure to register as a sex offender, it is important to speak with an experienced Orlando, FL criminal defense lawyer. An attorney can help you navigate the legal system, ensure that your rights are protected, build a defense, and help spare you from the most severe consequences.

Get Help From a Failure to Register as a Sex Offender Lawyer in Orlando, Florida

At The Baez Law Firm, we have the professional expertise to handle the full range of sex crimes charges. If you or someone close to you was arrested for the failure to abide by sex offender registration requirements, our firm is available as a legal resource. Contact us today to set up a fully confidential case review. We provide criminal defense representation in Orlando, Orange County, and throughout the surrounding region in Central Florida.

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