Domestic Violence Charges in Florida

In the state of Florida alone, there are over 100,000 incidents of domestic violence reported annually across the state. While certainly an appalling figure, it should be pointed out that due to the nature of the crime it is likely that this figure actually underrepresents the actual amount of annual domestic violence occurrences across the state. Any occurrence of domestic violence should be handled swiftly and seriously in order to ensure that all parties are safe. Further, it should be noted that any charge of domestic violence should be considered an extremely serious situation. An allegation, let alone a conviction, of domestic violence can drastically alter the course of your life. Therefore, if you are being investigated for domestic violence it wise to seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
Florida Law
According to Florida state statute, domestic violence is defined as one of many potential violent crimes against a household or family member. Some of the acts that could be considered domestic violence include assault, battery, stalking, kidnapping, and false imprisonment. In order for the crime to be considered domestic violence, the act or threat must be committed against an individual with which the perpetrator has a family relationship. The Florida court system has a reputation for being particularly harsh on those convicted of domestic violence; therefore, it is critical that anyone accused of domestic violence take immediate action in order to protect their freedom.
Are You Facing A Domestic Violence Charge?
Among the potential penalties for a domestic violence conviction are a lengthy prison sentence and hefty fines. Further, you may also have to attend mandatory counseling sessions, and lose the right to see your children and loved ones. A judge may even order that you are no longer allowed to enter your own home. What’s more is that having a domestic violence conviction on your record will also hinder your ability to gain employment and other activities that require a background check such as applying for a housing lease.
If you are being investigated in relation to a potential domestic violence charge, it is wise to ensure that you do not speak with law enforcement without your lawyer present. Law enforcement officials are trained to get you to unknowingly incriminate yourself during questioning. Thus, it is important to withhold communication regardless of how benign the questioning may seem.
Reach Out to Us for Professional Assistance
If you are facing a domestic violence charge a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer can make a world of difference. With the help of an lawyer there is a chance that you will be able to avoid the harsh penalties associated with a potential domestic violence conviction. Your lawyer will be able to analyze your situation and formulate a plan to advocate on your behalf and fight for your freedom. It is best to consult with an lawyer as soon as you are aware of an impending domestic violence charge. If you are in need of assistance in Miami or Orlando, contact the Baez Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation.