Florida Takes Away License of Doctor Accused of Making Fatal Mistakes

One very important step in bringing a civil claim for monetary damages due to a medical mistake involves the state Board holding hearings and administrative proceedings concerning whether a doctor has been involved in misconduct (for example, negligence).
Such an issue recently gained headlines here in Florida, when the state decided to take away the license of a doctor in Tampa who had been practicing for years in spite of the many accusations against him that he harmed various patients, who allegedly lost their lives as a result.
Legal Allegations against Dr. Kantzler
Dr. Mark Kantzler treated many patients in his Sarasota health care clinic. Specializing in an experimental stem cell procedure, Kantzler continued to practice medicine—and patients allegedly continued to die—even after he had settled four malpractice lawsuits and the state had suspended his medical license twice. Still, state health regulators took years to take action against him.
The reported story of one woman’s death under his care highlights the grave allegations at stake in this case: After Kantzler’s patient suffered a seizure during a procedure, and her husband called the paramedics in response, Kantzler reportedly refused to speak with the emergency paramedics and denied that they were necessary. According to the South Florida Sun Sentinel, he also reportedly left a fraudulent paper trail concerning what happened with this patient; failing to notify state authorities that she had died under his care; and instead recording that he provided her with a shot and sent her home.
In September of this year, Kantzler agreed to stop practicing medicine and gave up his medical license instead of battle with the Florida Department of Health. This agreement was then approved by the Florida state Board of Osteopathic Medicine on November 17th.
The Process
According to the investigation published by the South Florida Sun Sentinel, Florida typically allows doctors who have had multiple accusations lodged against them to practice for years and years. Once a complaint is filed with the state health department, it is reviewed by the Florida Board of Medicine for possible violations of Florida law. After an investigation, it is referred to the Prosecution Services Unit. Complaints can be filed against any healthcare practitioner, individual, or facility licensed or regulated by the Department of Health’s Division of Medical Quality Assurance, including any that are operating without a valid Florida license.
Experienced Civil Litigation Lawyers Serving Florida and Massachusetts
If you have been harmed as the result of a doctor or other medical professional’s misconduct, or if you are a medical professional who is facing a disciplinary proceeding, you need to work with an experienced civil litigation and criminal defense attorney to ensure that justice is done during the administrative proceeding.
At The Baez Law Firm, we aggressively litigate civil claims like these, and we can help. Contact us today to set up a consultation at our Florida or Massachusetts location.