Post-Adjudicatory Drug Court Is Better Than Prison, but It Is Not Easy or Cheap

What would you give to have a second chance at sobriety and staying on the right side of the law? Would you consent to random searches of your house and car? Would you give up your right to medical privacy? Would you pay for every drug test and counseling appointment out of your own money? Would you agree to live with your parents, even though, in the past, living with them has made it harder for you to stay away from drugs instead of easier? At its best, Orange County’s post-adjudicatory drug court is an antidote to a needlessly punitive criminal justice system that wastes opportunities and taxpayer funds. Participating in post-adjudicatory drug court is far from the worst possible consequence of getting charged with drug possession, but it can be just another case of the court system meddling in your business, waiting for you to fail, and then charging you money for it. If you are facing drug charges, an Orange County drug crimes defense lawyer can help you get into a post-adjudicatory drug court program and can advise you while you participate in the program.
Do You Really Want the Court to Supervise Your Addiction Recovery?
If you have ever participated in addiction treatment, you know that recovery is a lifelong process. Most people who go to drug rehab go more than once, and you have probably heard the horror stories about the seamy side of Florida’s addiction recovery industry. Staying sober can be a herculean task, especially in Florida. Having to involve the court system in a process that should take place between you, your doctors and counselors, and your support network of family and friends can make a notoriously difficult process even more challenging.
If you enter post-adjudicatory drug court, you must comply with the requirements set by the court. These vary from one case to another, but once you sign the agreement to participate, then failing to comply with them constitutes disobeying the court. These are just some of the things the court might make you promise to do:
- Enter a plea of guilty or no-contest
- Participate in a twelve-step program
- Pay for your own drug screenings
- Reside at an addiction treatment center or with your parents
- Avoid poppy seeds, weight loss supplements, or protein powders, as these can cause false positive results on drug screenings
Post-adjudication drug court is a lot like probation, and probation is not a walk in the park. After a drug-related charge, the goal is to achieve long-term sobriety. Having the criminal justice system involved in your addiction treatment can make recovery harder instead of easier. A drug crimes defense lawyer can help you get to a situation where there are fewer obstacles to your recovery.
Let Us Help You Today
If you are facing criminal charges stemming from your substance abuse problem, an Orlando drug crime lawyer can help you avoid incarceration. Contact the Baez Law Firm for a consultation.