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Top Three Holiday Crimes And How To Avoid Them This Holiday Season


Unfortunately, the holidays are a prime time for crime, as there is an emphasis on buying and giving gifts that some people cannot afford; drinking and partying at family get togethers and on major holidays; and spending time with loved ones, which some people do not have. Each of these factors leads more people to commit crime during the holidays than any other time of year. If the holidays stress you out, and if you have once or twice considered criminal activity as a means of coping with the holiday stress, the criminal defense lawyers at The Baez Law Firm urge you to reconsider. We understand that the holidays can be tough, but just know that there is always a better alternative for coping than committing a crime.

Drinking and Driving 

More people drink during the holidays than any other time of year. In fact, the binge drinking and drunk driving rates are statistically proven to increase astronomically between the day before Thanksgiving (dubbed as “Blackout Wednesday” in many regions) and New Year’s. As a result, 728 people will be injured or killed during a drunk driving accident between Thanksgiving and New Year’s—a rate that is two to three times higher than the rest of the year.

Not only is driving drunk a dangerous and negligent act that can result in the harm or death of innocent individuals, but also, if you are caught, you face substantial monetary fines and possible jail time. Avoid a DUI charge and conviction simply by planning ahead. Make arrangements with someone to be your designated driver, opt to stay at a friend’s house or a nearby hotel, call a cab, or, if all else fails, simply do not drink.


Theft is another common crime committed during the holiday season, as for many people, stealing is their only option if they hope to get their children and loved ones the gifts they deserve. However, while we want you to be able to give your family the ideal Christmas, if you cannot afford to purchase the gifts they want, there are better ways to obtain them than stealing. There are several programs out there that provide gifts for children, including Toys for Tots, The Salvation Army, and Angel Tree.

The last thing you want or need is to end up in jail on Christmas. If the amount of items stolen has a value equal to or greater than $300, the offense is considered grand theft. If you are convicted of grand theft, you are looking at anywhere between five years in prison or five years probation in conjunction with up to $5,000 in fines, and up to 30 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Not only would you not be able to see your family on Christmas if arrested, but also, you would find yourself in a much deeper financial dilemma than you were before the crime was committed.


Christmas is a very profitable time of the year for retailers, and many counterfeiters piggyback off of this success by offering all of the latest items, trends, and brands at “discount prices.” While it may be tempting to make a profit off of an unauthorized copy of a trademarked product or logo, do not do it. Florida law is strict on counterfeiting, and sentences offenders with a felony of the third degree when caught.

Consult with a Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer 

If you have been arrested for a holiday crime, do not talk to the police and do not proceed with any other actions until after you have spoken with a Miami criminal defense lawyer. At The Baez Law Firm, we understand that the stress of the holidays can make people act in ways that they normally would not. When you contact our legal defense team, we will conduct a thorough case evaluation to determine all of your legal options. We will then prepare your case in such a way as to ensure a positive outcome.

To get started right away, call The Baez Law Firm at 800-588-BAEZ to schedule your free consultation today.



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