What To Do When You Are Arrested On Vacation In Florida

While half of the country is blanketed in snow a good quarter of the year, Florida remains as sunny and warm as ever, making it the go-to vacation spot for mid-westerners and east-coasters alike. Like all vacationers, these individuals let their hair down and have fun. However, how much fun is too much fun? From drinking and driving to drug possession charges, visitors to Florida may find themselves in a county jail cell rather than a suite at the Radisson. Not only is this a bummer because their vacation is unexpectedly cut short, but also, it means months of going back and forth between their home state and Florida to deal with the pending criminal charges. This means accrued expenses for travel, room and board, and other living expenses—on top of lost wages from time off work.
If you were arrested on criminal charges while vacationing in Florida, it may be in your best interest to consult with a Miami criminal defense lawyer. Our Florida legal representatives at The Baez Law Firm can appear in court on your behalf and ensure that you do not get into any more trouble for failure to comply with court procedure.
When Can An Lawyer Appear On Your Behalf?
While you will have to be present at some court hearings, a Miami criminal defense lawyer can appear on your behalf in the following instances:
- You Were Charged with a Misdemeanor. If you were arrested for a misdemeanor offense in Florida, the police may issue a “Promise to Appear,” or PTA, which is a technical arrest rather than a physical arrest. With a PTA, you can waive your presence in writing and permit an lawyer to represent you in court. Via your waiver, you can also permit your Florida lawyer to accept a plea bargain on your behalf. And, most importantly, your defense lawyer can request state evidence and build your defense while you are at home working and taking care of personal matters.
- Your Offense Qualifies for Pre-Trial Diversion (PTD). If you were arrested for a felony but your offense qualifies for PTD, you may waive your presence, but only for certain matters. However, you should plan on being present at trial and any other court dates where attendance is not necessarily required but recommended.
Unfortunately, if you were arrested for driving under the influence, the state may issue an Interstate Drivers License Compact, which is issued to ensure that you appear in court. If you do not appear in court for DUI charges brought against you, your driver’s license may be suspended and a warrant for your arrest issued. If you are an American citizen but you plan on leaving the country before your trial, your DUI charges may prevent you from doing so.
To completely understand Florida’s criminal laws, refer to Florida Statutes Chapter 901.
Your Right to a Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you were arrested in Miami and charged with a felony or misdemeanor, you need in-state counsel right away. The Miami criminal defense lawyers at The Baez Law Firm have helped countless Florida visitors defend themselves while they are back in their respective home-states taking care of their own personal matters. Allow our skilled lawyers to represent you. Contact our law firm at 800-588-BAEZ to speak with a criminal defense lawyer today.