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Category Archives: Orlando Civil Litigation Lawyer


New Corporate Fraud Lawsuits Filed in October

By Baez Law Firm |

Corporate fraud is not just limited to such issues as identity theft, insurance fraud, and securities fraud. Today, companies are also being accused of promoting deception in general when it comes to their investors. Below, we describe two recent lawsuits filed in connection with corporate fraud allegations to demonstrate how they can involve damages… Read More »

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Court of Appeals Makes Major Decision Regarding Products Liability & The Role of Companies Like Amazon

By Baez Law Firm |

The recent products liability decision involving Amazon and its place in the “chain of distribution” arguably sends a message to designers, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, suppliers, wholesalers, and more. Specifically, the question before the court was whether the company that simply sells the product and has no other involvement in the creation or advertising of… Read More »

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